2nd Direction

Data Science and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence

Big data

Cloud computing

If you are a graduate of Computer Science and Computer Engineering or related subjects, or a graduate who is already employed in the private or wider public sector in fields related to the subject of the postgraduate programme and wish to specialise in cutting-edge technologies related to artificial intelligence and data science, then this postgraduate programme is for you!

The direction Data Science and Artificial Intelligence has as its objectives the cultivation of the following objects:

  • Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence including advanced concepts such as linear, logistic regression, decision trees, neural networks, ensemble and post-learning methods, recommender systems, knowledge representation and deep learning techniques.
  • Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision including methods of representation and supervised/unsupervised learning of embedded words, vector methods as well as NLP and IR applications, object recognition, image segmentation, image and video synthesis with diffusion models, etc.
  • Big Data Management and Visualization including methods of data visualization and distribution, statistical inference, management of relational and non-relational databases, management of data flows and resources in distributed systems.
  • Applications of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in areas such as autonomous vehicles, applications in health, transport, safety and security as well as reliability, bias and ethics in AI systems.

Curriculum structure

The programme consists of ten (10) courses, the seminar on Methodology, Research, Technologies and Applications of Informatics and Telematics, and the thesis. Six (6) of the courses, the seminar and the thesis are common to all students and are considered compulsory courses in the direction. The remaining four (4) courses may be selected from a subset of 6 available courses that offer either greater specialization in targeted areas or greater breadth of subject matter in conjunction with the other tracks of the curriculum and depending on the needs and objectives of each student. 

Compulsory Courses

Optional courses

Postgraduate Program

Harokopio University Department of Informatics & Telematics

Omirou 9
177 78, Tavros

+30 210 9549 402

Monday - Friday
10:00 – 13:00,

Program Benefits

According to a recent study by Deloitte on behalf of the SEPA, a supply gap of 7000-7500 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) specialists per year by 2030 is estimated. Among the actions proposed in the study is the creation of new postgraduate ICT departments. The study further reflects the assessment that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is among the top 3 specialisations that will be in demand in the coming years in the wider private sector, while, specialisations related to the analysis and management of information systems and data are among the top 3 specialisations that will be in demand in the public sector.

These trends are also confirmed at European level, where a strategic goal has been set for 75% of European businesses to use artificial intelligence, massive data and cloud computing by 2030. 

Globally, estimates for the AI market are very optimistic, where the current estimate is $100 billion, and Next Move Strategy Consulting's projections are for twenty-fold exponential growth by 2030, close to $2 trillion. The same study finds that one of the biggest obstacles to the growth of the Data Science (SD) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) market is the lack of skilled personnel. Although it is found that the US currently holds the largest share of the relevant market, it is estimated that Europe will also see significant growth through the widespread implementation of digital solutions in transport, automotive and healthcare, as well as the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Finally, the continued presence and investments of large companies such as SAP, Google, Microsoft and IBM in Europe, as well as their partnerships with startups, SMEs and the public sector, will also be reflected in the growth of the industry.

The direction of the postgraduate course of study has as its objective the cultivation of the following subjects:

  • Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence including advanced concepts such as linear, logistic regression, decision trees, neural networks, ensemble and post-learning methods, recommender systems, knowledge representation and deep learning techniques.
  • Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision including methods of representation and supervised/unsupervised learning of embedded words, vector methods as well as NLP and IR applications, object recognition, image segmentation, image and video synthesis with diffusion models, etc.
  • Big Data Management and Visualization including methods of data visualization and distribution, statistical inference, management of relational and non-relational databases, management of data flows and resources in distributed systems.
  • Applications of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence in areas such as autonomous vehicles, applications in health, transport, safety and security as well as reliability, bias and ethics in AI systems.

Graduate students of this course receive a wealth of essential knowledge concerning a number of cutting-edge technologies, such as:

  • Machine Learning and Application
  • Deep Learning
  • Data mining
  • Recommendation systems
  • Big Data Management
  • Knowledge representation
  • Data and Systems Security
  • Natural language editing 
  • Computer vision
  • Data science and artificial intelligence applications