Requirements Analysis and Software Design

Course ID
3nd direction mandatory

Learning Outcomes

The course objectives are to provide the required theoretical training and practical, laboratory practice to students, so that they are able to deal with the issue of developing an Information System with adequacy. Emphasis is placed on the basic principles and procedures that must be observed in all phases of development: Design phase project plan, Analysis phase requirements definition, process and data modeling, Design phase architecture, user interface, Implementation phase management development, testing, documentation, transition. Emphasis is also placed on object-oriented analysis and design utilizing UML.

Course Content

Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design Project Management Project Work Plan, Gantt Chart Analysis Modeling Requirements Determination Business Process And Functional Modeling Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams Structural Modeling Class Diagrams ,Object Diagrams Behavioral Modeling State Machine Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams Data Management Layer Design Design Modeling Package Diagrams Physical Architecture Layer Design Component, Deployment Diagrams Implementation Phase Prototype Development Humancomputer Interaction Layer Design Wireframes

General Skills

Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information with the use of the assorted technologies

Adaptation in new conditions

Team work

Learning and Teaching Methods - Evaluation

Teaching methods: On site
Use of ICT: eclass, estudieseclass, estudies

Activity Work load
Lectures 28
Lab exercises 8
Thesis 58
Independent Study 66
Total 150


Written exams, Group Assignments


Systems analysis and design: An object-oriented approach with UML, 5th Edition by Dennis,
Wixom, and Tegarden, Wiley eclass Systems Analysis Design, Dennis, Wixom, Roth, 5th
Edition, Wiley Software Engineering, Ian Sommerville 10th Edition