Innovation and Enterpreneurship

Course ID
2nd, 3rd
2nd direction elective, 3rd direction elective

Learning Outcomes

Understanding the concept and importance of entrepreneurship and innovation as well as the environment in which they develop Understanding the contribution of emerging information and communication technologies to enable innovative business initiatives, Understanding the process of innovation and creativity, Understanding alternative types of innovation, patenting methods and valuation models of business plans, Understanding the process of business plan formulation: o conception of a business idea, o exploration of the business environment, o business model development, o preparation of a business plan, o finding resources, o Exploring exit strategies. Understanding the sources of funding at all stages with emphasis on venture capital funds. Understanding the search, analysis and synthesis of information that identifies the attractiveness of a sector or market. Understanding the usage of tools that capture the internal and external business environment. Gaining the ability to formulate a complete business plan for an innovative business concept.

Course Content

Introduction to the course - Introduction to Entrepreneurship Digital Innovation Business Opportunity Recognition Business Model Development Writing Evaluating a Business Plan Market Analysis, Competition Marketing Plan Innovation Ecosystem Workshop for Business Idea Generation Developing FinTech Business Models - The FinTech Ecosystem and Findings from Innovation Centers / Incubators Introduction to Blockchain technology - examples and case studies Start-ups based on IoT applications Financing support of Start-ups Workshop for creating a business plan

General Skills

Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information with the use of the assorted technologies

Adaptation in new conditions

Decision Making

Independent work

Team work

Formulation of new research ideas

Learning and Teaching Methods - Evaluation

Teaching methods: On site
Use of ICT: eclass, estudieseclass, estudies

Activity Work load
Lectures 26
Lab exercises 0
Thesis 44
Independent Study 80
Total 150


individual assignment for developing a startup
business model and teamwork assignment for start up digital business model development


1.J. Bessant J. -Tidd J., Κουλουριώτης Δημήτρης επιμ., Καινοτομία και Επιχειρηματικότητα, 3η
έκδοση, Εκδόσεις Τζιόλα, 2016. 2.Kuratko F. Donald, Επιμέλεια Έκδοσης Φαφαλιού Ειρήνη,
Επιχειρηματικότητα-Aπό τη Θεωρία στην Πράξη, Εκδόσεις Broken Hill Publishers, 2018. 3.Α.
Πατέλη, Καινοτομία Επιχειρηματικότητα στις Ανθρωπιστικές και Κοινωνικές Επιστήμες,
Εκδόσεις ΕΛΚΕ ΙΠ Δράση ΜοΚΕ Ι.Π., 2014. 4.Η. Γ. Καραγιάννης, Ι. Λ. Μπακούρος, Καινοτομία
Επιχειρηματικότητα: Θεωρία Πράξη, Εκδόσεις Σοφία, 2010
Journal of innovation and entrepreneurship