Technology Economics Investment Valuation

Course ID
1st, 3rd
1st direction elective, 3rd direction mandatory

Learning Outcomes

The course concerns the development of a systematic methodology for the necessary subject of investment appraisal and techno-economic analysis for a new project, as well as for the conversion, improvement or extension of an existing one, with reference to the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). More specifically, the course aims to:
- Help students to gain a supervisory overview of a techno-economic analysis, presenting its basic principles and stages, as well as typical examples of its application.
- Analyze the major components of a techno-economic study, such as cost estimation, market, competition, risk, etc.
- Present the basic principles of developing business plans in the high-tech market, and enable their practical application; to present the financial figures and management accounting methods for evaluating and valuing investments, as well as the basic principles of risk and risk analysis.
- Describe the main methodologies for forecasting demand and competition in the ICT market.
- Present principles and the most important methodologies applied for costing and pricing of products and services.

Course Content

ii. Technoeconomic analysis – basic principles and stages
iii. Business plans: main principles, stages for the construction of successful business plans. iv. SWOT – PEST analyses.
v. Diffusion of products and services in markets – market competition
vi. User behaviour and evaluation of preferences
– Movement of users among providers – substitution of technological generations etc.
vii. Investments, investment portfolio analysis portfolio viii. Key economic quantities such as Net Present Value - NPV, Internal rate of return - IRR, Project Payback Period, Investments, Operating Costs, Cash Flow, Income, Depreciation, etc.
ix. Risk analysis x. Uncertainty in market parameters and cost parameters (market size, market share, technology evolution, cost evolution) xi. Costing of products and services. Costing methodologies and models for networks and services.
xii. Historical cost and fully distributed costing.
Indirect, direct, common and associated cost, Critical costing factors.
xiii. Pricing: Standards for pricing telecommunications services.
Pricing methodologies

General Skills

Independent work

Team work

Work at an interdisciplinary framework

Project design and management

Promoting reasoning and self improvement

Learning and Teaching Methods - Evaluation

Teaching methods: On site
Use of ICT: e-class

Activity Work load
Lectures 26
Lab exercises 0
Thesis 60
Independent Study 64
Total 150


Presentation, Written report


-Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, D. Vassiliou, N. Iriotis -Production systems
management, Dimitriadis Sotirios G., Michiotis Athanasios N. -Financial Investment Analysis,
Panagiotis Fotis
1. Ανάλυση Επενδύσεων και Διαχείριση Χαρτοφυλακίου Δ. Βασιλείου, Ν. Ηρειώτης, ISBN:
978-960-7745-22-4, Μ.ΤΖΩΡΤΖΑΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΙΑ Ε.Ε.
2. Αξιολόγηση Επενδύσεων, Έκδοση: ΔΕΥΤΕΡΗ/2010, Πετράκης Παναγιώτης, ISBN: 978-