Cloud Infrastructures

Course ID
1st direction mandatory

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
-Implement cloud infrastructures on bare metal.
-Install basic services on public or private clouds.
-Configure monitoring tools for cloud infrastructures.
- Automate management processes through SDKs/APIs of virtualization environments.

Course Content

The course covers the fundamental elements of cloud infrastructure. Specifically,
the topics covered are as follows:
1. Basic service layers
2. Resource management
3. Cloud Hardware: server hosts, storage arrays, backup appliances
4. Public vs Private Cloud.
5. Proxmox virtualization environment
6. Virtual machines: basic features, configuration, and management in Proxmox
7. Virtual networking: configuration and management
8. Automated management: the case of Proxmox API
9. Infrastructure Monitoring Tools: the case of Zabbix
10. High Availability Technique

General Skills

Search, analysis and synthesis of data and information with the use of the assorted technologies

Adaptation in new conditions

Decision Making

Independent work

Team work

Learning and Teaching Methods - Evaluation

Teaching methods: On site
Use of ICT: eclass Proxmox

Activity Work load
Lectures 16
Lab exercises 10
Thesis 70
Independent Study 54
Total 150


Course Assignments


-Portnoy, Matthew. Virtualization Essentials. United Kingdom: Wiley, 2023.
-Building Cloud and Virtualization Infrastructure: A Hands-on Approach to Virtualization and
Implementation of a Private Cloud Using Real-time Use-cases (English Edition). India: BPB
Publications, 2021.
-IEEE Cloud Computing Journal
-IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing Journal
-Journal of Grid Computing – Springer