Building Secure Applications: The role of SSDLC and Application Security Assessment

Dr. Georgia Dede is Assistant Professor (appointment pending) at the Department of Informatics and Telematics of Harokopio University in the area of Evaluation of Systems and Electronic Services as well as Senior RID Security Consultant/PM at Netcompany Intrasoft. She holds a PhD in Decision Making and Uncertainty Modelling for the Development of Roadmap for Future Home Networks from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Athens (2015). She holds an MSc in Management and Economics of Telecommunication Networks from the Departments of Informatics and Telecommunications and Economic Sciences of the University of Athens (2007). She also holds a degree (BSc) in Informatics and Telecommunications from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Athens (2005). Dr. Georgia Dede manages and participates in research and development programs funded by the European Union (Horizon Europe, Digital Europe). She has worked as Senior Information Security Consultant and Manager in the cybersecurity at Netcompany Intrasoft as well as at the European Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA). In the past she has also worked as research associate at the Universities of Athens and Patras participating in EU and national projects. She has published papers in scientific journals, books and conferences, and is also a reviewer in scientific journals.

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The presentation will focus on the vital role of Secure Software Development Lifecycle (SSDLC) in fostering robust application security. SSDLC is considered as the cornerstone of building resilient and secure applications. SSDLC integrates security measures seamlessly into the software development process, emphasizing a proactive approach to security implementation. A systematic application security evaluation, delving into methodologies and tools that enable comprehensive assessments to identify and address vulnerabilities effectively is also an issue of paramount importance. The implementation of SSDLC practices coupled with comprehensive security evaluations offers a proactive defense against cyber threats, fortifying applications and enhancing overall digital security.